Connecting As You Distance
Many of you may feel isolated during this time of social distancing. Know that you have the choice to stay connected even though you may be physically alone. You have to be creative and courageous to connect in other ways. This may mean you initiate a call or teach someone how to FaceTime or Zoom.
My daughter and I had a dinner date with my niece over Skype. We sat down together and caught up on our lives over our meal. I read about a woman playing her cello on her front porch, entertaining her neighbors from a safe distance each evening. Others have orchestrated “block parties” by assembling in their yards and driveways each evening to dance at a distance to a song someone blared from their house. People are becoming creative at connecting while distancing.
I’ve found my connections have gotten deeper as I’ve had more time to reach out to loved ones and old friends. Before I had to self distance, life seemed to get in the way with work, activities, parenting and other distractions. I lost touch with so many folks I cared about. Some connections were more surface level as I was acutely aware of the next demand tugging on me. During this time I’ve found I can slow down and get in touch with what really matters. The re-connections I’ve made in the last few weeks feel even richer and more intimate than before as our discussions focus more on what’s happening in our hearts.