About Us


Heartfully Living is a coaching and spiritual counseling practice, grounded in soul work, that focuses on helping individuals and groups learn to live and lead from the heart. Everything you need is inside you. We help you uncover the gifts within by dissolving blocks to living from your passion and purpose. Through coaching, experiential learning, transformational workshops and retreats, we’ll help you find your authentic self.

Our Soul Circle Story

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Karen created Soul Circle with Michael Diamond after participating in an online writing course during the beginning of the pandemic. We were randomly assigned as writing partners where we shared our insights, questions and thoughts about each other’s pieces. Through this vulnerable process we discovered we had a mutual interest in creativity and all things spiritual and decided to collaborate.

We envisioned facilitating spiritual exploration and sharing our insights with other likeminded seekers. Recognizing we were guided by spirit; we took the leap and created Soul Circle.  Karen continues to build our community and circle, as Michael has taken an extended break to purse advanced studies and other professional pursuits. We continue following the signs, trusting the magic of the unfolding process.

We feel inspired to be of service in this age of massive transformation. We’d love to have you join us on this journey! One thing we know for sure, is that the world needs all of us and our gifts now more than ever.


Karen Miraldi

Hi. I’m Karen Miraldi, a transformational coach, award-winning artist, spiritual counselor, obsessive learner, and an optimist inspiring you to live a fully creative and meaningful life.

Trained in logic and liability as an attorney, I now work from inspiration. I champion creative visionaries, change agents and spiritual seekers to live and lead from the heart.

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