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We like to think of Heartfully Living as a state of being, an intuitive state of knowing, flowing with the creative impulses of life without resistance. You’ll know when you’re in the flow of life when it calls to your heart. By using your intuition to follow the gentle tug of your heart, you’ll be able to make better choices to create a life with passion and purpose.

By learning the Heartfully Living processes and techniques you’ll be able to tune into your heart and strengthen your intuition to make choices aligned with your soul, allowing you to live your best life.

Let’s inspire each other!

Become a Part of the Heartfully Living Community

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SOUL CIRCLE is a free online gathering, a place to share within a community where you’ll be accepted. You’ll find support and inspiration while you develop and enhance your intuition.  It’s a place to practice tools and methods to strengthen your intuitive skills while receiving guidance from Michael and Karen.

When your intuition is stronger, you’ll make better choices so you can live a life in alignment with your soul. At Soul Circle you’ll make new friends, become more conscious….and have some fun along the way. Come join us when you can -  we’d love to have you and your energy there!

Join us for the Free - SOUL CIRCLE, by registering below.

The World Needs You and Your Gifts Now More Than Ever!



Karen Miraldi

Karen is a transformational coach, award-winning artist, intuitive, spiritual counselor and teacher. An obsessive learner, Karen will inspire you to live a fully creative and meaningful life.

Trained in logic and liability as an attorney, Karen now works from inspiration. She champions creative visionaries, change agents and spiritual seekers to live and lead from the heart.

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Michael Diamond, RN

Michael is an international medium, intuitive & spiritual teacher in New York City. He is also a Registered Nurse with experience in oncology, care management, and hospice & palliative care.

Michael has developed a unique style for his spiritual work, by merging his clinical knowledge and experience as a nurse with his spiritual abilities as a medium, to guide people towards living a more spiritually healthy life.

“For there is always light

If only we’re brave enough to see it

If only we’re brave enough to be it.”

Amanda Gordan