One of the hardest lessons for me over the years has been to learn to surrender. For me surrendering doesn’t mean giving up, it means letting go. When I let go I can relax into the shifts around me which are key to discerning my next positive action.
I’d been conditioned to want to control things around me in my life. Trained as a lawyer, I operated under the illusion that I could control outcomes. My focus was from a place of fear about what could happen if I didn’t craft the perfect contract or take charge in many situations. Sure certain outcomes might be mitigated but one cannot control or foresee every possibility. Over time I learned to relax and not use pushing energy to try to manage what I felt needed to happen. By surrendering to the moment, I’m able to tap into my awareness and listen to my inner knowing. I get far more valuable information when I stay present and follow the clues in front of me. My heart informs my brain. I’ve discovered that’s way more powerful and effective than when I attempted to control outcomes. In fact events usually unfolded way better than I ever imagined! What is your experience of surrendering instead of controlling situations?